CIFA started to accept applications for Japanese Group Study for the 3rd season of business year 2023 (Jan-Mar 2024).
Why don’t you learn Japanese with your friends?
Group study will be held on Wednesday evenings (7:00pm-8:30pm) or Saturday afternoons (2:00pm-4:00pm).
If you would like to participate, please register by December 15th by clicking on the “Register(申込)” link below.
開催日時(定員) | |
開催場所 | たづくり学習室 |
What you require |
2024.12.21 update
【閉まります】2025年1月18日(土) 12時30分から(CIFA事務局と成人クラス (対面学習))
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2024.10.9 update
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